Werken op Europees niveau
Sinds 2010 ben ik op verschillende manieren actief binnen Europa. Ik zet mij in voor de agendering en positionering van cultureel erfgoed en in het bijzonder Religieus erfgoed. Dit doe ik vanuit een intrinsieke overtuiging dat Cultureel erfgoed er toe doet en een belangrijke bijdrage levert aan de kwaliteit van leven in Europa.
Future for Religious Heritage (FRH), founding father and boardmember (honorary Secretary). FRH is a non faith ngo working in the field of religious heritage. (more info visit www.frh-europe.org)
Member of the advisory panel van het 7 Most Endangered Programme, a civil society campaign to save europe’s heritage in danger. (meer info )
Member of the European Commissions Expertgroup on Cultural Heritage
the Expert Group is established by the European Commission to provide advice and expertise on cultural heritage matters. This is the first-ever Expert Group set up by the European Commission in the field of culture. The Expert Group shall be a platform for consultation and exchange on cultural heritage policies and programmes, and shall support and advice the European Commission in the implementation of the European Framework for Action on Cultural Heritage, published in December 2018 as a policy outcome of the European Year of Cultural Heritage. The Expert Group convened its first meeting on 15-16 October 2019 in Brussels.
Projecten waarbij ik betrokken ben:
ALTERheritage (2014-2015)
ALTERheritage aimed to make existing materiel for vocational learning about religious heritage conservation and management available more widely. The project, led by FRH with five of its members as active partners, consisted of a series of seminars, hosted by each partner in turn.
Read the ALTERheritage Report (July 2015)
ALTERheritage was funded by the EU under the Leonardo programme and ran for two years.
EUROPETOUR (2016-2018)
The European project Europetour, in which I was participating on behalf of FRH, brought together and connected a diverse range of rural areas in Europe with the aim to enhance local cultural tourism. It combined the knowledge and experience of both representatives, network co-ordinators, and tourism specialists from rural areas in Bulgaria, Germany, Italy, Poland, Romania and Spain, as well as cultural tourism specialists, a training provider and the Europe-wide network of (rural) religious heritage.Look at the developed training modules on the topic at hand. Visit the website.
This project was co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.
SKIVRE (2018-2020)
Skills development for the valorisation of Europe’s Religious Heritage
Skivre stands for:
– competence expansion in European monasteries for the development, manufacture and marketing of high-quality products
– establishment of Europe-wide sales strategies for monastic products
– revival of the historical craftsmanship of the monasteries
Visit the special website for more info
This project was co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.
Realises innovation in 3D modelling of cultural heritage through an inclusive approach for time-dynamic 3D reconstruction of artefacts, built and social environments. It enriches the European identity through understanding of how European cultural heritage continuously evolves over long periods of time. On request of DEMO B.V. FRH participated in the advisory panel. More info on the outputs and the consortium.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 665220
DEMI MORE, maak monumenten duurzaam
In opdracht en in samenwerking met de provincie Noord Brabant legde Erfgoed.nu de basis voor het project en het partnerschap.
Dit Interreg-project geleid door Kempens Landschap (BE) en provincie Noord-Brabant (NL) onderzocht hoe we monumenten op een respectvolle maar innovatieve manier energiezuiniger kunnen maken.
Meer info en de resultaten bezoek de website.
Dit project is ondersteund vanuit INTERREG Vlaanderen-Nederland, Europees fonds voor regionale ontwikkeling.
Hebt u vragen of wensen, neem dan contact op via info@erfgoed.nu.